For those of you who speak German, or are otherwise up on your international idiomatic expressions, you will recognize this phrase, Sturm und Drang. The meaning of this expression is “storm and stress.” The implications are that the conditions you are presently faced with would be best described as turmoil and upheaval.
Let’s see – What things are going on that might cause a universal/national sense of Sturm und Drang?
1. I have serious concerns about this president. In particular, his apologizing to the rest of the world for America’s existence. Since when did we need to apologize for coming to the rescue of nations that were mercilessly attacked and ravaged by the likes of Germany and Japan? Or for halting the spread of Communism in Southeast Asia? Or the liberation of an entire nation from the brutality of Saddam Hussein in Iraq, and the vile regime of the Taliban in Afghanistan? What nation have we ever conquered that we didn’t also eventually surrender it back? We did not keep any of the blood-soaked islands of the Pacific. We rescued a thankless France from the Germans twice in the last century! We returned all lands acquired during the Spanish/American War - not the least of which was the Philippine Islands. What about the emergency funds from America, both private and governmental, that have always flowed immediately into the devastated regions of the world when crises occur? Why do we send billions of dollars to the Palestinians, yet Saudi Arabia right next door hasn’t lifted a finger to help people of their own faith and culture? Nor has the fabulously wealthy Saudi Arabia attempted to provide assistance to their neighbors in Iraq? Yet America sends her young men and women, plus astronomical amounts of financial support to Iraq and Afghanistan to set them free to choose how they wish to be governed. Where is the aide from Islamic nations? Since we are not sure of where this man spent his formative years, I am left to wonder how much of America he has incorporated into his soul. We are still the last, best hope in the world for those who yearn to be free. People continue to risk their lives to come to America.
2. The Stimulus Bill scared me to death! The president and Congress were in an absolute lather to get this bill passed because our nation was in danger of financially collapsing if this stimulus was not enacted immediately. Two concerns leapt out at me when this bill was introduced. First, I asked the question, “What’s the big hurry?” I was taught growing up to not make hasty decisions, but rather to step back, take a deep breath, and evaluate the situation before making any decisions. Second, I’m no whiz when it comes to math, but I was taught that you don’t spend money to save money. And now our geniuses in Congress want to pass another Stimulus Bill, even though the first one nine months ago was a flop. I would love to see Special Agent Gibbs from the hit TV show, NCIS, walk over to the Halls of Congress, starting with Pelosi and Reed and begin slapping each one of them on the back of their heads, which is his trademark means of getting his junior agents’ attention.
3. Since when does the president, in cahoots with Congress, take over private industry? For General Motors to roll over, and the media to not raise the roof, is simply beyond understanding. How was this possible? Have we become so weak as a people that we don’t even object when the Constitution is simply ignored? The government has no right to interfere with the business community. And who is this 31-year-old character that was placed in charge of revitalizing the auto industry? I don’t care that he’s only 31. The problem is he doesn’t have the credentials to take on such a task.

4. Now we’re facing a passage of a National Healthcare Bill that will radically transform the way you and I are treated for our maladies. This is socialism in its most blatant form, make no mistake. Reform is necessary in the healthcare industry, I grant you that. But have the government run it? Please! Remember this: Anything the government runs is always going to work on the basis of the “bottom line.” They will continue to cut costs until what you thought you were getting is gone. The government does not know how to effectively run anything.
5. I will conclude with our military. We are at war. Point of fact, we are at war with Islamic fundamentalists. They are cowardly, conniving, and utterly reprehensible. Yet our leaders in government are submitting our military to conditions that are unacceptable.
Due to space constraints, I must draw this article to a close. I may return to this, as there are many more issues I am concerned with, such as taxes, illegal immigration, etc.
As Americans we must wake up and get involved. America is worth fighting for, against all enemies foreign and domestic.