Thursday, bags packed and loaded in the car, Isaura and I began our short trek
to Marines’ Memorial Club and Hotel in San Francisco, located at 609 Sutter
Street (at Mason). It is a private social club for United States
Marines and other
veterans of the United States Armed
Forces. The
nonprofit Marines’ Memorial Association owns the large building in the Union Square neighborhood that houses a hotel,
theater, restaurant/bar, sports club, special event facilities, library,
museum, memorial, and a military history bookstore.
The president and CEO is Major General Mike Myatt, USMC (Retired).

the need for Gold Star families to come together, the Blue Star Moms in California
took it upon themselves to reach out to these folks who have lost a loved one
serving in the military. The toll in blood from Iraq and Afghanistan has
brought many would-be strangers together who grieve over a child or spouse who
was forcibly, and usually violently, taken from them. These families are no
stranger to the depths of sorrow life sometimes brings. Yet, they come together
once a year for two days to shut out the rest of the world. In a disarming way
they look into each other’s eyes and enter into a very sacred place where each
is safe with the other because of their shared pain and loss.
script for these annual gatherings of Gold Star families is the same. Those of
us who are there to assist in the event, such as counselors, coordinators,
administrators, and the like, are privileged to briefly share the burden with
these families.
first evening begins with a social time followed by dinner together. This year
one of the couples seated at our table was there for the first time. Their son,
an Army medic, was killed in Afghanistan in 2012. We talked about this middle
son of theirs and his love of country, and how much he loved his fellow
soldiers. He was initially assigned to a safer location when he arrived in
Afghanistan. But he believed he needed to be with the guys who might need him
most – the guys taking the fight to the enemy. He laid down his life for his
friends. I mentioned to the parents that many of the men their son had patched
up in the midst of battle are alive today because he was there.

Friday morning we begin with a memorial service honoring those who have fallen.
This is perhaps the most difficult time for the families because it brings to
the forefront, one more time, the reality of their loss. Held in the theater,
folks slowly gather, greeted by a dozen or so Marines in their dress blues,
there to honor these families. Before the program begins, harpist Laura Simpson
plays quietly while folks find their seats. On the stage are tiered rows of
votive candles with an embossed name card for each of the 96 fallen service
members. A white rose is placed in a vase beside each candle by the family.
General Myatt is the emcee for this event. After the presentation of the
colors, the national anthem, and the invocation, the solemnity of the occasion
changes as the fallen are remembered. In alphabetical order, each name is read
aloud by General Myatt, stating their rank and branch of service. The family
members who are present stand as their loved one is mentioned. The chaplain then
leads the rest of us invoking this sobering phrase, “A grateful nation acknowledges your sacrifice and prays for your

singer Erich Stratmann has been our featured soloist in this service. His rich
baritone voice fills the theater with his rendition of “The Lord’s Prayer.”
Following this is the presentation of the Gold Star flag to the newest members
of this club that no one would ever want to join. This year, Mrs. Karen Kelly,
wife of General John F. Kelly, USMC, presented the flag to each new family. She
and her husband are themselves members of this club of Gold Star families,
having lost their son, Lieutenant Robert Michael Kelly, USMC in Afghanistan,
November 9, 2010.

Friday evening for our closing event, a banquet is held in the formal dining
room. The guest speaker this year, as in 2012, was General John F. Kelly,
Commander, Southern Command. I can assure you that when this man speaks to
these Gold Star families there is a connection, a bond shared that transcends
all other communication, because the Kelly’s know from firsthand experience. So
when Gold Star dad John Kelly speaks about losing his son, you could hear a pin
drop in that vast room filled with a couple hundred people.
top off the evening, the Party Band of the First Marine Division from Camp
Pendleton, comes in and really gets rocking. They have a repertoire of
Dixieland and New Orleans jazz that gets the joint jumping.
we part, we all look forward to next year’s gathering. This is particularly
true of the Gold Star families who will once again be able to enter that safe
zone with others who have shared in grief and loss.
you, Blue Star Moms! You’re the best!
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